Leading applicant:
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie (FRA)
Guy Launoy (guy.launoy@unicaen.fr); Ludivine Launay (ludivine.launay@inserm.fr); Elodie Guillaume: (elodie.guillaume@unicaen.fr)
To identify a Deprivation Index in countries participating in the study for the smallest possible geographical unit (depending on availability of census data) with the aim of including deprivation (assessed at aggregated level) as confounder in spatial analysis for breast cancer risk. A second aim is to create a network of experts across Europe, working on the estimate of socioeconomic deprivation and discussing on methodological issues
- WP5 activity is extended to all countries participating in WASABY. WP5 is immediately informed by WP4, if a Cancer Registry of a new country joins the action
- For the collection of data on deprivation indexes or the deprivation index estimates, a list of experts is identified covering each country involved
- The participating countries for which a national version of the European Deprivation Index (EDI) is not available are identified
- In the participating countries where EDI is available (i.e., Italy, Portugal, Spain,UK, Slovenia and France) EDI is used if the EDI sub-areas correspond to those defined in WP4
- For each Cancer Registry whose national version of EDI is not available by sub-area identified in WP4, the project checks the availability of all the necessary information needed to estimate the EDI, i.e., EU-SILC national sample data, English translation of census survey, national census data, and smallest geographical unit for which census data are available
- WP5 constructs EDI for those countries where it can be estimated, in the following ways:
- Analyzing data from national samples in EU-SILC to identify fundamental needs linked with objective and subjective poverty
- Identifying variables shared and similarly coded by EU-SILC and national census
- Selecting, among these variables, the set which best fits the identified fundamental needs
Deliverables linked to this work package
Milestones to be reached by this WP
WP Presentations
Meeting |
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1st Steering Committee |
Description of WP activities |
2nd Steering Committee |
Description of WP activities |