Leading applicant:

Association Europeenne des Ligues Contre le Cancer (ECL) / Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)


ECL Secretariat (ecl [at] cancer [dot] eu)


To ensure that the results of the project are made available to the population target groups


  • ECL is to convene an information meeting for national cancer leagues prior to the project launch to generate interest, support for dissemination, define target countries and perform stakeholder mapping exercise for dissemination
  • Dissemination WP works with all partners to identify existing communication tools and assets. WP2 conducts stakeholder mapping for purposes of effective and targeted dissemination of the project including synergy with the ENCR communication tools, and the European Parliament, where relevant
  • The following dissemination methods are used:
    • Existing social media platforms of project partners; social media platforms created for the project; existing websites, newsletters, and bulletins of associated and collaborating partners; national cancer leagues social media accounts and newsletters; articles for grey literature; journal articles
    • An information leaflet and dedicated website is produced by M3 and disseminated widely to identified stakeholders
  • Once target countries are established, national cancer leagues (or equivalent organizations) are engaged by ECL as promoters of the project (entering into a cooperation agreement with the project), focusing on the dissemination of the courses for adolescents and young women
  • Online courses for adolescents and young women are developed in cooperation with the cancer leagues and/or competent authorities in the target countries, after undergoing a robust period of translation and validation (alpha & beta testing) amongst target group
  • A synthesis report outlining the use and impact of the courses to date is delivered by M32 to provide relevant data for evaluation by project end date
  • The layman version of the final report is produced at project completion and disseminated to the public and targeted stakeholders

Deliverables linked to this work package

Milestones to be reached by this WP

WP Presentations

Meeting Description File
1st Steering Committee Description of WP activities
Meeting with Cancer Leagues WASABY Overview
2nd Steering Committee Description of WP activities