Operative tasks
The model can be applied to a wide set of cancer sites and is based on three steps:
- Identification of areas with an increased cancer risk through ad hoc models of spatial analysis: rather than compare incidence of different population-based cancer registries (CRs) across the EU, we estimate maps of incidence in order to identify CR sub-areas characterized by higher-than-CR average rates. In the spatial analysis, we utilize Socio Economic Status (SES) data: National or European Deprivation indexes are adopted as main confounder in the analysis. As an added value, we promote the innovative use of consistent and standardized tools and methods for studies on SES in European countries
- Analyzing relationship between environmental data and cancer incidence: polluting agent data available at the European and/or National Environmental Protection Agencies are studied with cancer incidence through ad hoc models of spatial analysis
- Online primary prevention courses to increase awareness on cancer risk in the young population
All the above is translated into practice as breast cancer risk maps in Europe are delivered connecting CR incidence data and environmental monitoring data using GIS: a highly relevant issue for public health even beyond the field of breast cancer and water and soil contaminants